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Thursday, October 11, 2012

First Professional Review

Wrote a little over four hours since Monday.

My first professional review was done today. It's hard to explain what it feels like to be waiting on something like this, to see what someone else thinks about your work. I've heard from friends and a few people that don't know me, all of which have been decent. Here, though, is a guy who does this professionally and has never heard of me. 

What if the book doesn't add up? What if it gets a bad review? I mean, there's nothing I can do to hide that. I can't rewrite the book; I can't change what I've done. It's out of my hands, completely. It's a validation of fourteen months of work, and of five years of before that of working up to the point where you think you are capable of putting out a product that is ready for mass consumption. It's a validation of my life, at least in part.

Or a rejection of it.

Anyway, enough with the dramatic nonsense. The review was good: 4/5 stars on Amazon. Here's the link to the site:

Thanks to Mr. Jonathan DuHamel for agreeing to review it!

If you haven't bought it yet, whatcha waiting on, brah?

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